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What are Remix Stacks?

Published on May 04 2023

Last updated on Apr 23 2024

Photo by Holly Stratton on Unsplash
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Remix is a powerful web framework for building modern JavaScript applications. One of its key features is its flexible stack-based architecture, which provides a unified API for client-side and server-side rendering. In this post, we'll explore Remix Stacks, which are pre-configured stacks of middleware and components that can be used to quickly build and customize different types of web applications.

What are Remix Stacks?

Remix Stacks are essentially pre-configured sets of middleware and UI components that provide specific functionality for building different types of web applications. They are designed to make it easy to build scalable and maintainable web applications, without having to spend a lot of time configuring each individual component.

There are currently three main types of Remix Stacks: Blues, Indie, and Grunge. Each stack is designed for different use cases and provides a different set of features and technologies.

The Blues Stack

The Blues Stack is designed for building traditional server-rendered web applications.

It uses technologies like Node.js, Express, and Handlebars to provide a powerful and flexible server-side rendering engine. The Blues Stack also includes support for client-side rendering using React, and it includes pre-configured middleware for handling things like user authentication, caching, and API requests.

Some good applications of the Blues stack would be: a blogging platform, an e-commerce website, or a news website. This is because the Blues Stack provides a powerful server-side rendering engine, which allows for fast initial load times and better search engine optimization (SEO).

Why you should not use other stacks on Blues Stack: Using other stacks on Blues Stack would be unnecessary as the Blues Stack is specifically designed for server-side rendering. For instance, using the Indie Stack on a traditional server-rendered web application would be overkill, as it would add unnecessary complexity to the project and potentially slow down the initial load time of the website.

Here's an example of a real-life code application that would be most suitable for the Blues Stack:


const express = require('express');
const handlebars = require('handlebars');
const app = express();
app.engine('handlebars', handlebars());
app.set('view engine', 'handlebars');
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.render('home', { title: 'Welcome to my website!' });
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Server is running on port 3000');

In this example, we're using the Express framework to create a web server that renders Handlebars templates. We've set the view engine to Handlebars, and we're rendering a home template with a dynamic title value. This code application is well-suited for the Blues Stack because it requires server-side rendering and uses Handlebars as its templating engine.

You should not use the Indie or Grunge Stacks on this code application because they are designed for different use cases. The Indie Stack is designed for building progressive web applications and single-page applications, while the Grunge Stack is designed for building complex web applications with advanced features.

The Indie Stack

The Indie Stack is designed for building progressive web applications (PWAs) and single-page applications (SPAs). It uses technologies like React, Next.js, and Emotion to provide a powerful and flexible client-side rendering engine. The Indie Stack also includes pre-configured middleware for handling things like routing, caching, and API requests.

Some good applications of the Indie stack would be: a social media platform, a project management tool, or a messaging app. This is because the Indie Stack provides a powerful client-side rendering engine, which allows for faster page transitions and a more interactive user experience.

Why you should not use other stacks on Indie Stack: Using other stacks on the Indie Stack would be unnecessary as the Indie Stack is specifically designed for client-side rendering. For example, using the Blues Stack on a progressive web application would be overkill, as it would add unnecessary complexity to the project and potentially slow down the page transition speed of the application.

Here's an example of a real-life code application that would be most suitable for the Indie Stack:


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { BrowserRouter, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Global, css } from '@emotion/core';
import Home from './pages/Home';
import About from './pages/About';
import NotFound from './pages/NotFound';
const globalStyles = css`
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
font-family: sans-serif;
<Global styles={globalStyles} />
<Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
<Route path="/about" component={About} />
<Route component={NotFound} />

In this example, we're using React and React Router to create a client-side rendered application. We've set up routes for the Home, About, and NotFound pages, and we're using Emotion to apply global styles to the application. This code application is well-suited for the Indie Stack because it requires client-side rendering and uses React as its primary framework.

You should not use the Blues or Grunge Stacks on this code application because they are designed for different use cases. The Blues Stack is designed for building traditional server-rendered web applications, while the Grunge Stack is designed for building complex web applications with advanced features.

The Grunge Stack

The Grunge Stack is designed for building complex web applications that require advanced features like real-time collaboration and serverless functions. It uses technologies like React, Next.js, and AWS Amplify to provide a powerful and flexible architecture for building these types of applications. The Grunge Stack also includes pre-configured middleware for handling things like data synchronization, authentication, and real-time messaging.

Some good applications of the Indie stack would be: a real-time document collaboration tool, a video conferencing platform, or an online game. This is because the Grunge Stack provides a powerful and flexible architecture for building these types of applications. It uses technologies like React, Next.js, and AWS Amplify to provide advanced features like real-time data synchronization, serverless functions, and real-time messaging.

Why you should not use other stacks on Grunge Stack: Using other stacks on the Grunge Stack would be unnecessary as the Grunge Stack is specifically designed for building complex web applications with advanced features. For example, using the Blues Stack on a real-time document collaboration tool would not provide the necessary real-time data synchronization and serverless functions needed for this type of application. Similarly, using the Indie Stack on an online game would not provide the necessary real-time messaging and data synchronization features required for a seamless multiplayer gaming experience.

Here's an example of a real-life code application that would be most suitable for the Grunge Stack:


import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { API } from 'aws-amplify';
import { withAuthenticator } from '@aws-amplify/ui-react';
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
import TodoList from './components/TodoList';
import TodoForm from './components/TodoForm';
function App() {
const [todos, setTodos] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
async function fetchTodos() {
const apiData = await API.get('todos', '/todos');
async function addTodo(text) {
const newTodo = { id: uuid(), text };
const apiData = await API.post('todos', '/todos', {
body: newTodo,
setTodos([...todos, apiData.data]);
async function deleteTodo(id) {
await API.del('todos', `/todos/${id}`);
setTodos(todos.filter(todo => todo.id !== id));
return (
<h1>My Todo List</h1>
<TodoForm addTodo={addTodo} />
<TodoList todos={todos} deleteTodo={deleteTodo} />
export default withAuthenticator(App);

In this example, we're using React, AWS Amplify, and the Amplify UI library to build a real-time todo list application. We've set up API endpoints for getting, creating, and deleting todos, and we're using the Amplify API object to make requests to these endpoints. This code application is well-suited for the Grunge Stack because it requires advanced features like real-time collaboration and serverless functions.

You should not use the Blues or Indie Stacks on this code application because they are designed for different use cases. The Blues Stack is designed for building traditional server-rendered web applications, while the Indie Stack is designed for building progressive web applications and single-page applications.


Each stack has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, and the best one to use depends on the specific needs of your project. For example, if you're building a traditional server-rendered web application, the Blues Stack is a great choice. If you're building a progressive web application or single-page application, the Indie Stack is a good choice. And if you're building a complex web application with advanced features, the Grunge Stack is a good choice.

In conclusion, Remix Stacks are a powerful feature of the Remix web framework that make it easy to build scalable and maintainable web applications. By providing pre-configured sets of middleware and UI components for different use cases, Remix Stacks make it easy to get started with building web applications quickly and efficiently. Whether you're building a traditional server-rendered web application, a progressive web application, or a complex web application with advanced features, there's a Remix Stack that can help you get the job done.

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Written by Alissa Nguyen

Alissa Nguyen is a software engineer with main focus is on building better software with latest technologies and frameworks such as Remix, React, and TailwindCSS. She is currently working on some side projects, exploring her hobbies, and living with her two kitties.

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